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Kick off the New Year with a Bible-based jump start to your weight loss goals!

Hungry for change?


Have you made a new year's resolution to lose unwanted pounds? That is good news!


Have you made this resolution before only to give up feeling defeated and frustrated?

There are hundreds of diet programs out there. Lots, maybe even most, of them work if you stick with it. Then why don't we stick with it?


92% of new year's weight loss resolutions are abandoned within a few week's of the new year. What is going on?

We are God's girls! Jesus came to give us an abundant life! He came to set us free! His Holy Spirt lives in us with a promise of self control. Then why can't we control what is going into our mouths (and sometimes what comes out of our mouths)?

There is an underlying heart issue that needs to be addressed. There is a rebellious spirit that won't submit to things we know are better for us. There is a strong pull to stay in bondage to food, rather than living a healthy life at a healthy weight.

Interested?  Then join us on a 6 week journey to kick off the year and get our health and eating habits under control.

What Hungry? is all about...

  • We will study the journey of God's chosen people from bondage and slavery to the Promised Land.

  • We will explore heart issues as we travel on our own journey to a healthy weight.

  • We will learn to stop going to food for comfort, escape, spacing out, tranquilizing or just plain out of rebellion.

  • We will study the real battle that is going on and how to have daily victory.

  • We will look at practical tips to keep our mind focused on God's best for our lives.

What Hungry? is not...

  • This is not a diet. If you are signed up with Weight Watchers, Shibboleth or another program, stick with it. This will complement your program.

Sign up today!

  • Location: Rock Bridge Church

  • Starting Tuesday January 3rd 

  • 6 week study

  • 6pm to 7:30pm

  • Bring your Bible and a notebook

  • Fill out form below so we can plan materials and meeting room accordingly.

Sign me up!

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