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Katherine Huske
Flourishing During Covid-19
Online Bible Study
This is an informal, no homework, one-hour Gals Bible Study at 6pm CST on Thursdays.
Each week is a standalone study. So if you miss one, no problemo.
Teaching notes are below.
There will be class July 9.
No class July 16, 23 and 30.

Esther Study: Week 2
Haman the Agagite This week we talked about Haman and his hatred for the Jews. It makes a little sense that he would be angry at...

Esther Study: Week 1
For Such A Time As This What is God up to? Sometimes we just don't know what God is up to in the everyday messy-ness of our lives. And...

COVID Study: Week 8 - Aaron's Blessing
The Lord bless you, and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine on you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance on

COVID Study: Week 7 - The Armor of God
The problem with using a Roman soldier to describe a spiritual battle is the Roman soldier was going into a physical battle ...

COVID Study: Week 6 - Psalm 16: The Path of Life
Heaven is to be enjoyed at the right hand of God. The right hand, even on earth, is the place of favor, and the place...

COVID Study: Week 5 - The Blueprint
Most of the stories in God's Word follow a pattern - a blueprint, sort to speak. God provides victory through trials and suffering.

COVID Study: Week 4: Paul in Prison - the Ultimate Re-Framer
Paul had an incredible perspective and attitude about his seemingly depressing situation. He could have written a letter about how awful it

COVID Study: Week 3: Reframing Fear
God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND.
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COVID Study: Week 2: Our Marching Orders
What is God calling us to do in this season? The world seems be falling apart every direction we turn...
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Week 1: Mindfulness
What we think about, we become. Think fearful thoughts…we are fearful people. Think negative thoughts…we are negative people...
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Spiritual Health: Resources and People I Love
This is a list of people and resources that encourage me. I hope they will encourage you too!

Physical Health: Ideas To Help You Stay On Track
We honor the LORD by caring for our bodies. We can serve Him well into our old age if we keep our body and mind healthy.

My Identity in Christ
This list reveals the truth about who God created you to be and how He wants you to live! · I am God’s masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10). · ...
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